What Will the New Story World Be?

We’ve begun the process of figuring out what we’ll write after we finish the Ghost Series. Technically we haven’t even started writing that series yet, so it probably sounds like we’re getting ahead of ourselves, but it’s good to have projects we can juggle so we don’t get burned out.

So far we’re still looking at our possibilities from a miles-high vantage point, a choice between two basic options. Will it be an extension of one of our previous story worlds, or something totally new?

We can see ways to add on to all three of the existing trilogies. In some scenarios this would mean continuation of the original narrative, while in others it would mean exploring uncharted sections within an established world.

We also have a few thoughts about how we could tackle a type of story we’ve never written before. That’s how the Ghost Series came to be — doing a ghost story was something we wanted to check off the list. There are myriad kinds of stories we haven’t done yet, but the tricky part is finding a way to tell that type of tale in a Rune Skelley type of world.

A good writing partner is someone who’ll invent whole new worlds with you, and then follow you to their ends.

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