Tagged: shared prompt

And A Couch That Opened Out

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • and a couch that opened out
  • don’t make it just a flesh wound
  • Men’s wallets are like women’s purses
  • stealing a hat was beneath contempt
  • “Does that hurt?”
  • the biggest frog

Jen’s Take

by jenYolanda was the reigning queen of the Times Square pickpockets. So far no one had been able to top her score from the previous spring when she managed to lift both a Gucci bag and a couch that opened out into a trampoline from the same unsuspecting socialite.

Today Yolanda had to make an example of Jimmy the Hat Thief. As every pickpocket knew, stealing a hat was beneath contempt. Men’s wallets are like women’s purses, though, in the respectability hierarchy.

“Does that hurt?” Yolanda asked Jimmy as she poked him with the hat pin from his latest prize.

Don’t make it just a flesh wound,” Deak encouraged, “or he’ll never learn his lesson.”

Yolanda considered, then said with an evil grin, “Bring me the biggest frog you can find in Central Park.”

Kent’s Take

“Does that hurt?” Hackney twisted the hatchet.

“Yes, but keep going. Don’t make it just a flesh wound, it has to be convincing.” Simpson gritted his teeth.

Stealing a hat was beneath contempt, but still drew notice from the law. A pound of flesh, or the biggest frog in the county, those were the choices.

Men’s wallets are like women’s purses, as far as the penalties for misuse. Karaoke. Bad business.

Better to pass on the right. Just spend one fitful night — choose between a bathtub and a couch that opened out.

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Varnishing My Study

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • varnishing my study
  • like calling a leg a “limb”
  • each kill a man
  • a stuffed owl
  • I am still on a merry-go-round

Kent’s Take

Even after completing my hazing ritual and varnishing my studyI am still on a merry-go-round of ennui, riding a stuffed owl of disenfranchisement, pondering why we must each kill a man with a harmonica to gain entry into this occult club, puzzling over whether it means the harmonica is to be the weapon or if the victim must have it on him (I covered both bases, just to play it safe), and vexed by habits of linguistic imprecision (like calling a leg a “limb”) in a world where language is already so rife with ambiguity and clouded meanings.

One sentence = Bonus Points!

Jen’s Take

by jenJohannes Van Der Oppenstüffel, the reclusive Dutch billionaire, was sponsoring a competition to choose his next bodyguard. The first task he assigned the hopefuls was to scour the grounds of his immense estate in search of a stuffed owl. Once that was accomplished, he told those who remained, “You will each travel to a foreign city and you will each kill a man named either Karl or Geoffrey. When the task is completed, you will call me with the details. And when I say ‘details’ I mean I want you to be specific. Nothing like calling a leg a ‘limb’ will be allowed.”

Five hours later the first call came.

I am still on a merry-go-round in the Tivoli park in Copenhagen” came the rough voice, “but Karl is dead, his head crushed by a cotton candy machine.”

“Excellent,” replied Johannes. “Return to Amsterdam immediately to take up your duties. You will begin by varnishing my study. If you know what I mean.”

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Oh, It’s Too Confusing

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • Oh, it’s too confusing
  • The hell I am
  • his cranium was large
  • particularly the gas attack
  • hastily procured a saucer of milk and one of sardines
  • Can you use it to pay taxes?

Jen’s Take

by jenHis cranium was large, some might say overlarge, due to several instances in his early childhood, particularly the gas attack. Unfortunately that giant melon did not house an equally over-sized intellect.

Oh, it’s too confusing,” he said of the internet. “Can you use it to pay taxes?

I sighed. He always got dumber when he was hungry. I hastily procured a saucer of milk and one of sardines as well, in hopes of staving off further degeneration of his intellectual faculties.

“We’ll talk about that in a minute,” I said, “But first you’re going to eat this nice snack.”

The hell I am,” he replied belligerently. “Not unless you make it a smoothie.”


Kent’s Take

Oh, it’s too confusing,” Felix sighed. His cranium was large, but mostly filled with styrofoam peanuts. Consequently, there were few things that did not confuse him. A 1040-ez lay far outside of his area of proficiency.

“You’re making too much of a fuss,” Felicity replied.

The hell I am,” Felix growled back.

“Just follow your instincts. You know you have the poise of a panther.”

“I do? Can you use it to pay taxes?

“Here, stay put and take slow, calming breaths.” Felicity dashed to the kitchen and hastily procured a saucer of milk and one of sardines. Upon her return she said, “These will help you concentrate.”

Felix lapped at the milk dubiously, and swerved away from the sardines altogether. But he had to admit that his mind responded to the unconventional tonic. Soon it filled with visions for how to cope with the IRS, visions Felix found invigorating – particularly the gas attack.

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Enchanted Mariner Ducks

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • enchanted mariner ducks
  • striped scarlet luminescent work-coats
  • low relief with pubic hair
  • the feathery roots of his water hyacinths
  • “Stop quoting Lewis Carroll at me!”
  • tear a larynx

Kent’s Take

I sat in Doctor Entenman’s waiting room, hoping the décor wasn’t indicative of his qualifications as an otolaryngologist. All the others in town were closed for the holiday. The artworks showed truly horrific taste, made more sickening by the realization that the good doctor was himself the artist. A garish neon abstract took up most of the wall facing me, and was accompanied by a plaque bearing its title: “In which the enchanted mariner ducks out of the saloon to escape constables attired in striped scarlet luminescent work-coats.” Above my head was a matted atrocity, a low relief with pubic hair, evidently meant to signify the feathery roots of his water hyacinths. I heard raised voices, first a woman shrieking something about being behind schedule, and then a man bellowing “Stop quoting Lewis Carroll at me!” I supposed I’d chosen a bad week to tear a larynx.

bonus points for using them in order!

Jen’s Take

by jenThe great artist and his assistant stood by in their striped scarlet luminescent work-coats while the phalanx of critics examined his latest creation.

“You say it’s called ‘enchanted mariner ducks,’ and yet I detect nothing of the waterfowl in its design,” said the most unctuous of the bunch, a man known to be overly fond of the feathery roots of his water hyacinths, if you know what I mean.

“Curious, isn’t it,” said Hieronymus Warhol.

“This is clearly a bas-relief, and yet under ‘medium’ you have declared that it is ‘low relief with pubic hair.’ Not only is that not a real medium, it’s also disgusting!”

“Curiouser and curiouser,” replied Warhol.

“Stop quoting Lewis Carroll at me!” cried the critic.

“As soon as you tear a larynx,” drawled the artist. “Preferably your own.”

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Object Lesson!

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • object lesson!
  • their moans and their heavy breathing
  • clay and seashell stew
  • the bared teeth of the cornered carnivore
  • in a robe of some plastic fabric

Jen’s Take

by jenMargaret stared at the TV in horror. She was watching the new DVD release of Season 1 of her favorite childhood cartoon, “Crustacean Clay and Seashell Stew,” and not until that moment did she realize how heavy the homoeroticism on the show was.

Seashell Stew gave Crustacean Clay a massage while Crustacean Clay was in a robe of some plastic fabric that made disturbing rustling sounds under Seashell Stew’s hands. Later the duo went to the gym to wrestle, and their moans and their heavy breathing sounded unmistakeably sexual to Margaret’s scandalized ears.

She caught her own reflection in the mirror above the TV and was surprised to see she sported the bared teeth of the cornered carnivore.

“To anyone who wishes to relive their innocent childhoods, let this be a cautionary object lesson!” Margaret cried in horror.


Kent’s Take

I recognized Milton and Dante by their moans and their heavy breathing before I entered the room and saw them entwined in an old shower curtain. They were like a tantric Hindu god in a robe of some plastic fabric.

“Now that is one kinky object lesson!” I crowed. Then I cackled and ran out the back door and into the surf, my feet churning the clay and seashell stew, seasoning it with acute discomfort.

In the failing light, it took me too long to understand what the receding tide had done. The cove was cut off by a sandbar about 30 yards out, and in the pathetic little lake of saltwater it embraced loomed a strange dark shape. A killer whale trapped in the shallows.

The bared teeth of the cornered carnivore gleamed in the moonlight.

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Flew Back To Colorado Springs

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • flew back to Colorado Springs
  • teaches him all a beggar’s tricks
  • redwood does not decay
  • supposed to be in stock in San Jose
  • date with a mulatto gal

Kent’s Take

Rick flew back to Colorado Springs for a date with a mulatto gal who teaches him all a beggar’s tricks. And he took my sandals, because redwood does not decay when exposed to even his vitriolic foot sweat. I still don’t have replacement sandals, because I’m a triple-E. But my size is supposed to be in stock in San Jose.


Jen’s Take

by jenRedwood does not decay. That’s the whole point. That’s what makes it so perfect for constructing lawn furniture. But of course, the set I wanted was out of stock at my local Ikea. It was supposed to be in stock in San Jose, though, so I flew out there to get it. Because redwood does not decay.

So, of course, they don’t have it in San Jose either. Someone bought the last one right before I got there. They gave me a free bag of Swedish meatballs for my trouble. I wish I was one of those guys whose dad teaches him all a beggar’s tricks so that I could have gotten more than the meatballs and a date with a mulatto gal out of the trip. But I’m not. My dad only taught me about fishing.

Anyway, after that I flew back to Colorado Springs and my plane was late due to fog at O’Hare. And that’s why I missed work yesterday. Honest.

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Under The Hood

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • under the hood
  • devastating fire
  • don’t punish me for being scared
  • Your stranger-self
  • legs of my corduroys

Jen’s Take

by jenUnder the hoodie, her red hair took on the smoky shadows of a devastating fire and her green eyes glinted, causing the legs of my corduroys to suddenly seem inadequate.

“Is that a pistol in your pocket,” she asked, “or are you just happy to see me?”

Dammit. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice. This was my first time meeting someone in person whom I’d chatted with online.

Don’t punish me for being scared,” I pleaded, sounding utterly pathetic.

She smiled disdainfully. “Your stranger-self was more interesting online.”


Kent’s Take

Your stranger-self can be terrifying, so don’t punish me for being scared when I saw it the first time. It inflamed my flight impulse, and, as I ran, the friction in the legs of my corduroys kindled a devastating fire, until I had to stop and quench those writhing flames. And so you caught up, no longer the stranger but just yourself, with soft brown eyes peering quietly from under the hood of your sweatshirt.

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And Your Stomach Is Invaded By Butterflies

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • and your stomach is invaded by butterflies
  • the place of the courageous and the beautiful
  • lick ice cream and savor sugared almonds
  • splashing waterfalls and frothing rivers
  • Mexico’s most beautiful señorita
  • in Easter-Rabbit costumes

Kent’s Take

It is the place of the courageous and the beautiful to lick ice cream and savor sugared almonds, and it is their right to do so in Easter-Rabbit costumes. For Mexico’s most beautiful señorita, these pleasures are an art form. When you look upon her, with her frozen treats and her floppy ears, your mind is aswirl with splashing waterfalls and frothing rivers, and your stomach is invaded by butterflies. Courageous and beautiful butterflies.


Jen’s Take

by jen“Welcome to the land of splashing waterfalls and frothing rivers, the place of the courageous and the beautiful, otherwise known as Las Vegas, Nevada’s legalized brothel, Madame Ibernia’s!” cried Ibernia Patience, waving her arms broadly.

Behind her, two sultry ladies in Easter-Rabbit costumes winked and gyrated.

Frank Pax smiled. Bernie always knew how to surprise him.

Fatima entered, wearing a gypsy-like costume.

“Tonight,” Ibernia said, “you will enjoy Mexico’s most beautiful señorita,” she indicated Fatima, “from whose body you will lick ice cream, and savor sugared almonds from her navel!

And your stomach is invaded by butterflies at the thought, isn’t it Frankie?” murmured Fatima.

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Fiery Ball Of Gas

During October we will be sharing passages that we’ve written independently from the same prompt.

  • fiery ball of gas
  • devotional delicacy
  • Skinner box
  • emotional maturity
  • serving up

Jen’s Take

by jen“The eucharist is so bland,” whined Reggie. “Can’t the nuns whip up a devotional delicacy with more zip? Maybe they could add wasabi.”

“That would be like serving up a fiery ball of gas!” shrieked Jen.

The two collapsed in giggles, displaying the emotional maturity of grade-schoolers, and clutching their nearly empty margaritas.

The other patrons of The Skinner Box, the newest bar in town, had already learned to avoid the two co-authors whenever they appeared for Happy Hour.


Kent’s Take

Johnson liked to watch Skinner box. Serving up whoop-ass like a devotional delicacy, take of this left hook, for it is about to rattle your brainstem…

This secret pleasure didn’t show much emotional maturity, but that was the reason for keeping it secret. Outwardly, Johnson gave every sign of detesting the brutal spectacle. But it flooded her with arousal like a fiery ball of gas. Unless that was the pork rinds…

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