Russian To Our Assistance

r-avatarWhile we’ve been writing Son of Science Novel, and even when we were still in the rainbows-and-outlines stages, we’ve also been learning Russian. Our interest in it is primarily due to the numerous Russian characters in the book. It’s in English, but knowing what the stuff inside the characters’ heads sounds like is quite useful.

It does consume a certain number of hours in the writing cave, but we feel it’s time well spent. Studying a new language gives writers a better understanding (and maybe even a newfound appreciation) of their native one.

And the wordcount is happening. We’re closing in on 40k, which, as we mentioned last time is not as far along as we had hoped to be by now. But it’s not too shabby. Protagonists are imperiled, in ways they realize and in ways they don’t. Events are conspiring against them, as are villains in a variety of festive colors.

Pro tip: when choosing a writing partner, you could do worse than the person you’d enjoy studying Russian with.

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