Retirement Celebration Finale: Greenland

Rounding out our epic adventure:  a couple of days in Greenland (!). The coastline is stunning. We saw dozens of waterfalls and glaciers, and even an iceberg calving from a glacier.

Prince Christian Sound




Kent brought home a few beers from the local brewery, Qajaq. We learned how to say “Thank you” in Greenlandic (Qujanaq). We touched an itty bitty iceberg that had washed up on a beach. And yeah, that means that the last time we were at the beach was in Greenland. No bigs.

Open air museum in Nanortaliq, modern stone carvings in Qaqortoq, the thriving metropolis of Qaqortoq, adorable octopus seesaw


Our travels concluded, we returned home. Lady Marzipan and the Bandit Lord were very happy to see us. We had every intention of jumping straight into work on As-Yet-Untitled Ghost Novel #2, but that didn’t quite work out. Inertia is a thing, yo.

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