
As the weather gets muggy and our neighbors ignore social-distancing recommendations to throw innumerable pool parties, we’ve been hiding in the writing cave, editing away. The cave is air conditioned, and we’re the only ones in it, so it’s quite pleasant.

We’re closing in on the end of Son of Music Novel. Jen only has two chapters left to edit, and Kent is (by design) about five chapters behind her. The plan is for Jen to loop back around to the beginning of the novel and take another crack at the first couple of chapters. It took a little while for us to get our various editing blades properly sharpened at the start of this project, so now that we have everything dialed in and calibrated it makes sense to take another pass. Or maybe we’ll discover that the opening of the novel is just more cleanly written than everything that follows. It could happen. If that’s the case, then Jen’s revisit should be quite perfunctory.

Whichever way it goes, Jen will be done by Independence Day (the deadline she set herself). Kent might not quite make that since he has a day job, but he shouldn’t need much extra time.

We don’t plan to run through the whole novel again right away, like a snake eating its own tail. It needs to rest, and so do we.

Wear your masks and stay healthy.

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