Once More, With Feeling

After several weeks (and several road trips) of brainstorming and discussion related to Sibling of Music Novel, we came to a natural lull. It was the perfect time to read through the two other books set in the same story universe to both refresh our memories about the characters and plot details, and to look for inspiration.

The two existing books, Music Novel and Son of Music Novel, are both quite hefty, so this read through is taking a while. It would go quicker if we each read silently by ourselves, but Jen reads faster than Kent and she’d finish up first and then sit around being bored. Can’t have that. Plus we like to stay synched up so that we can discuss things more easily. This all means that Kent’s voice has been getting a workout. He’s already finished reading the first book out loud, and he’s halfway through the second. It’s sort of like an audio book and a director’s commentary rolled into one, and we’re quite enjoying it. Maybe Jen a little more than Kent (who is a very good sport about all of this).

We might finish up story time this weekend. Or we might not, because Son of Music Novel is freakin’ huge. Whenever we do finish, we’ll jump back into brainstorming, fully immersed in our story world.

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