“I Was Not Talking About the Corgi Robot”

  • by jenwith a giant candy cane
  • made entirely of mirrors and ice
  • down around her ankles
  • ice cream overflows onto the floor
  • all the shaving cream was gone

Tune in next time part 761      Click Here for Earlier Installments

“I was not talking about the corgi robot,” I said, hoping to distract Pamplemousse long enough that Tessa could wriggle free. There was no way she would want to wear the Moon harem uniform: red fishnet stockings and shoes with a giant candy cane striped heel, and a ribbon in her hair. There was no way she would want to live in a Moon palace made entirely of mirrors and ice. Pamplemousse’s Moonbots were so small they would be down around her ankles when she wore the candy cane shoes, and in danger of drowning when the ice cream overflows onto the floor of the cafeteria when someone forgets to turn off the soft-serve machine. Things like that happen all the time at his Moon Palace, which is why he doesn’t live there. Just last week the Lunar Gazette had a headline about someone leaving a tap open in the barbershop and how all the shaving cream was gone. Imagine a moon palace with no shaving cream! I had no doubt Tessa would never choose to live in such a hellhole. “I was not talking about the corgi robot at all.”

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