Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

r-avatarWe mentioned recently that there hasn’t been much writing going on in the writing cave of late, and we’re happy to announce that that’s about to change.

Yes, we’re still wading around in the marketing bayou, wielding our machetes, collecting the far-flung pieces of the treasure map that will assure us publishing success, while doing our best to avoid quagmires, gators, and other distractions. But we are still attempting to plug away at the fiction at the same time.

A few days ago Jen finished up the detailed outlines and timelines for the next two novels we’re going to tackle. They’re both sequels to the Science Novel, so it makes sense to work them in tandem. This was the first time we’ve worked on such a grand scale, and it took a lot longer than expected to get them both fleshed out. We needed to upgrade our crystal ball to get better resolution for such far-future details.

Then last night Jen composed the first stub for Novel #7, aka Son of Science Novel. (In our writing cave, Stubs are what we call detailed scene descriptions, the step between outline and actual prose.) We like to have at least half a dozen stubs lined up before we start writing so that we’re both clear on how our individual parts will fit into the finished work. We’re not quite ready to start yet. But we’re so close! The excitement is building, and we’re hopeful that we’ll actually remember how to do it. To limber up, Kent is working on a short story.

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