Achievement Unlocked: Editing Pass

Science Novel passed another milestone this week, when we completed an editing pass through the whole manuscript. Yay, Team Skelley!

What it mainly showed us is that this book is really close to ready to meet its adoring public. The changes were almost all word-picks, and there were surprisingly few of them. We knew that we’d done significant editing on this one already, but because we’d laid it aside for quite a while we expected to have more issues jump out at us when we picked it back up. The longer we let a book rest, the better we can see what needs tuning. So, this is a great sign.

There’s still tons of work to do in order to get it ready. One of the tasks will be yet another editing pass. Why bother? Because we want you to have nice things, of course. But also for symmetry. Jen went first on this most recent edit, so for the next one it’ll be Kent’s turn to run in front. We each tend to be tuned into different aspects of the prose, and we’ve geared our process to take advantage of that.

(It’s also an excuse to read the story again.)

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